Welcome to Pickaxe and Roll Game Correspondent Program.

As much as we would like to, most of us cannot make it to every Nuggets game. However, when pooled together there are probably many games that one of more of us will be fortunate enough to attend. That is how they get a crowd at the games.

If you are going to be attending a Nuggets game check the list below and see if someone has already signed up to be a Game Correspondent for the game you will be attending. If no one has claimed your game shoot me an email at PickaxeAndRoll@gmail.com and let me know you want to be the game correspondent for that game and I will sign you up.

Everyone who has to watch form home would all like to hear some of the dirt from the game that does not come across on the television broadcast. How was the crowd? Did anything exciting happen during timeouts? Did Rocky make his backward half court shot? Who shot lights out during warmups? Did the Oriental gal who flips the bowls on her head perform at halftime? Did anyone pull off some big league heckling (like the time when Hakeem Olajuwon played for Toronto and I kept calling him Manute, that was awesome)? Those are just examples of what we might like to know. Feel free to add in any other interesting tidbits you pick up from the game that those of us at home would not have known.

Are you bummed out because you cannot attend a game in Denver? Well, buck up little camper, you can still be a Game Correspondent! The Nuggets only play half of their games in Denver and based on some maps I have seen, not everyone in the United States lives along the Front Range in Colorado, although sometimes it may seem like it. If you can catch a road game, send me an email and you can be a Game Correspondent from there.

Disclaimer: Pickaxe and Roll will not provide any compensation for your costs attending the game so do not ask. If your report is incredibly lame I may completely rewrite it without telling anyone. You will get extra credit for placing fliers to further market Pickaxe and Roll to other Nuggets fans. Pickaxe and Roll will not provide any compensation for the cost of the fliers, but make sure they are colorful and on card stock quality paper.

Furthermore, this program may be terminated at any time due to lack of interest or general laziness.

Games that have currently been claimed by a Pickaxe and Roll Game Correspondent:


  • Game 38 – Denver Nuggets vs Utah Jazz – RyanBuff