Well, we know the first two weeks of the season have been cancelled … how many more games will the NBA miss? What is going to happen going forward? Let's take a look at some opinions and options going on in the NBA world … 

Anthony doesn’t want return to Denver cancelled – Brian Mahoney, AP Basketball Writer, Denver Post
“They cancel the first two weeks of the season, maybe in a couple of days they cancel another two weeks of the season. So I don’t know how to feel right now.”

Where Do They Go From Here: Ending the NBA Lockout – Alicia Jessop, Ruling Sports.com
Jessop discussing the two options moving forward … 1. Keep Negotiating and 2. Desertification, yikes.

Audio: CSG #10: Just Tebow Baby – Ross Martin and Nate Timmons
We share our thoughts on who is to blame in this lockout, the game cancellations, and Ross continues to believe that there are plenty of other options for NBA players and advertising money (he's right!). And a shout-out to Thursty! Plus a whole lot more … including their Top 5 Sports Nicknames. 

Fans a casualty of NBA lockout – Jeff McDonald, Spurs Nation
McDonald hits the streets to talk to fans about what this lockout means to them.

Pointing two fingers – Henry Abbott, True Hoop
A snippet: “Anything you hear about “the owners” being one way or “the players” being another is likely wrong. Both groups are all over the damned place.”

NBA lockout threatens TV ad revenue – Kim Peterson, MSN Money
Those networks own the national broadcast rights to NBA games, and they collectively pay about $930 million to do so. Normally, they get back $1.25 billion in ad revenue, according to TheWrap. That’s a pretty smart investment — except when the league and union officials lock horns.

Audio: South Stands Denver Fancast, Show 76
Denver's off the wall crew is back talking mainly hockey, but also touching on other Colorado sports talk as well. Things get obscene at times, just a heads up if you're listening at work! 



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